Friday, May 25, 2007

FUTURE MILF: Weekly Weigh-in #3

Pounds lost: 3
Total pounds lost: 6
Diet: eating well
Exercise: pretty much none

So how did I do it? My new dose of Synthroid kicked in and my metabolism seems to be working again. Yay!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Moms get homework too

It must seem a strange concept to a child...parents getting homework. Not to my children. They probably don't remember things being any other way. I've been back at school since Son was 8 and Daughter was 1. Not long after Hubby joined me.
Our children are used to hearing "Not now, Mommy's studying." or "I'll play with you after I write this paper." Not that they always listened. There have been times where one of us has left for class early just to have some quiet to study. There are also times where we need to lock ourselves in our master bedroom to get some reading done.
And then there's the been the guilt. The wondering whether or not my children should ever have to be put off for playing with because of a deadline I have to meet for class. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.
Especially now. I am "taking a break" from writing one of two papers I need to turn an incomplete into a letter grade. The reason that I'm in this situation in the first place is my health. It's been a rough battle this semester as I found myself too tired to study or sometimes even go to class. Mind you, I don't feel any better as I'm typing this than I did months ago. But I'm still juggling school, house, marriage and motherhood. Will the juggling act ever end? And will it be worth it when I cross the finish line?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Future MILF: Weekly Weigh in #2

I am a little posting this since my weigh-in was on Friday....
Pounds lost: Actually gained a pound
Total pounds lost: 3
Diet: Just eating better
Exercise: Walking

Friday, May 4, 2007

FUTURE MILF: Weekly Weigh-in #1

Pounds lost: 4
Diet: just eating sensibly
Exercise: honestly none, I've been too tired.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

What a week!

This week is really a test for my strength as a woman. Next week I am taking finals. Well, I'm only taking one in class since my other two professors were understanding about my being sick (I'll get to that later). This also means that it is time to get all those papers finished and all that reading done. Easier said than done when you are home all day with a very energetic 4 yr old.

My son's birthday is tomorrow. He's turning 12. He is having a few friends over and then we are going to see Spiderman 3. Sunday we are having a party for him at home with family and friends. The unfortunate part to this plan is that my house is a serious mess. Not just a room or two, but the whole thing.

I am also sick. I haven't been feeling right for a long time, so I went last Friday for an ultrasound of my neck. While there doesn't seem to be any thyroid tissue, there is something fishy going on with my lymph nodes. I don't even have the energy to worry about it this week.

I did get my brand spankin' new scale yesterday. Naturally we had to weigh everyone in the house. The cats weren't as excited as we were about the whole thing.

I also put some pink streaks back in my hair. Yay for not conforming!